Physicists and scientists all over the world are dealing in complex issues like ‘why is the universe made of matter and not antimatter?’.
However, very few people know what actually is going on inside those laboratories. How does the 3.2 km CERN linear accelerator near Meyrin, Switzerland, that accelerates charged particles to near the speed of light, then makes them collide to reproduce the immediate effect of the Big Bang and the creation of the universe 13.7 billion years ago, actually look?
A photo exhibition by photographer Satoru Yoshioka at the entrance hall of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology entrance hall tries to unveil some of the mysteries. Over the past seven years, he says, he’s been taking photographs of physics laboratories from Europe, the United States and Japan, and now wants to show his works.
At the opening ceremony OIST Vice President for Communications and Public Relations Neil Calder said “We are happy to have as this exhibition. These photos are traditional and innovative style. Mr. Yoshioka took pictures of physical science laboratories throughout the world. His photos are not glamorized or dramatized. They just show the usual daily work in the laboratories.”
The OIST Photo Exhibition features ten printed images that are changed regularly from research centers around the word. The exhibition theme is “Why Do We Exist?” Yoshioka says “this question made me think deeply when I first visited Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. With recent focus on physics with the movie Angels and Demons, and news of the Higgs boson from the CERN/European organization for Nuclear Research (Switzerland) I believe the public’s interest is increasing.”
The exhibition is running at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology at Onna through Dec. 28 in the facility’s entrance hall from 9 a.m. t 5 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and Japanese holidays closed. |