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Okinawa Holiday Season Illumination Guid… [Community CURRENT ISSUE ENTERTAINMENT]
OKinawa Illumination Guide!! Kanucha Stardust Fantasia Nov.1 ~ Feb.12 18:00~23:00 (Last entery 20:30) @Kanucha Resort Okinawa (156-2 Abu Na...Read More

October 17th, Okinawa Soba Day [CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT Gourmet LIFE]
A bowl of soba is to Okinawa what a hamburger is to America. Here on the island you can see Okinawa soba signs everywhere. It has become ent...Read More

Naha City’s World Record Giant Tug-of-Wa… [CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT Festival]
The Naha Giant Tug-of-War is the largest of its kind throughout the world. This feat was officially recognized and recorded into annals of t...Read More

‘Year of the Snake’ begins in Okinawan fishing communities [CULTURE CURRENT ISSUE]
Legend has it that Buddha asked all animals to meet him on the Chinese New Year. Twelve came, and Buddha named a year after each one, and announced that people born in each animal’...

Muuchii’s big lunar day is celebrated today [CULTURE]
Muuchii is the day that in Okinawa is traditionally considered as the beginning of the winter. It’s December 8th according to the lunar calendar, which by the Gregorian calendar fa...

Visiting Okinawan Shrines for the New Year [Okinawa Series Ryukyu History]
Have you ever partaken in a Hatsumoude? Have you even heard of a “Hatsumoude”? “Hatsumoude” is a Japanese custom where Japanese people pay a visit to a shrine or temple on January ...

What do you do on Okinawa during the New Year? [CULTURE]
It’s finally the end of the year 2024, and so it’s time to ask how was your year 2025? Good memories, bad memories, each person has their own. Probably many local people are still ...

A Look Underneath Ginowan City’s Natural Water System [CURRENT ISSUE Okinawa Series]
Ginowan City is the 5th populated city in Okinawa and has rapidly changed its urban makeup over the years. This is especially true for places like Oyama, Mashiki, and Uchidomari di...

Okinawa Holiday Season Illumination Guide 2024!! [Community CURRENT ISSUE ENTERTAINMENT]
OKinawa Illumination Guide!! Kanucha Stardust Fantasia Nov.1 ~ Feb.12 18:00~23:00 (Last entery 20:30) @Kanucha Resort Okinawa (156-2 Abu Nago City) スターダストファンタジア2024-2025 大いなる輝き―Gr...

Motobu has more than Expo Park and Aquarium [CURRENT ISSUE Okinawa Series]
Motobu Town is located in the northern part of Okinawa, Kunigami District. The town has a total area of 54.30 square kilometers. Several islands can be accessed from Motobu such as...

October 17th, Okinawa Soba Day [CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT Gourmet LIFE]
A bowl of soba is to Okinawa what a hamburger is to America. Here on the island you can see Okinawa soba signs everywhere. It has become entrenched in the Okinawan psyche. Those wh...

Naha City’s World Record Giant Tug-of-War [CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT Festival]
The Naha Giant Tug-of-War is the largest of its kind throughout the world. This feat was officially recognized and recorded into annals of the Guinness Book of World Records in 199...

Itoman Tug-of-War marks end of summer [CULTURE CURRENT ISSUE ENTERTAINMENT]
Many Okinawan farmers and fishermen, in some form or fashion, pay tribute to the Gods, seeking their blessing and favor for a great harvest or to net large sums of fish during the ...

Respect for The Aged Day [CULTURE]
In Japan, there is a National Holiday to honor senior citizens that is called “Keirou-no-hi” in Japanese, meaning “Respect for The Aged Day” in English. It has been set for the thi...

All Okinawa Eisa Festival 2024 [CULTURE Festival]
The Zento Eisa Matsuri, the All Okinawa Eisa Festival, takes place every year on the first weekend after Obon. This tradition began in 1956 at what was then called Koza, what would...

Obon is time for family gathering to remember ancestors [CULTURE CURRENT ISSUE]
For three days starting on Saturday, August 16th through Sunday, August 18th, many privately owned businesses on Okinawa will close their stores to take timeout to honor one of Ok...

Remembering Reversion and Driving on the Right Side, or is it the Left? [History]
When Okinawa was returned to Japan on May 15th, 1972, part of the package was an entirely new set of challenges that needed to be met. For Okinawans, the joy of being returned to t...

Day of Naha: Immerse Yourself in the Capital City of Okinawa [Community CURRENT ISSUE]
July 8th is Naha Day in Okinawa. This special occasion originated from the use of play-on-words or rather, a play-on-numbers. Naha’s two syllables ‘Na’ and ‘Ha’ are also syllables ...

Tanabata is precursor to Obon season, and day for wishes [CULTURE]
Tanabata, also known as “Shichiseki” that takes place on July 7th, is one of the five season-related celebrations in Japan. Empress Koken is credited to have imported Tanabata to J...

The Eisa Night Schedule 2024 [CULTURE Festival]
Although this year’s rainy season seems to continue into eternity, another season is about to start. Okinawa City Tourism Association is hosting a series of Eisa Nights every weeke...

Itoman Haaray; a traditional and fun event in southernmost of Okinawa [CULTURE Festival]
The Itoman Haaray takes place on the May 4th of the Lunar Calendar. This day is actually June 9th 2024 of the Gregorian Calendar. Most people in Itoman adhere to the Lunar Calendar...

Royal Crown Exhibition [History]
One of Okinawa’s national treasures, the Royal Crown worn by 14 kings of the Ryukyu era, goes on display tomorrow at Naha City Museum on the 4th floor of Palette Kumoji. The Royal ...

Golden Week, Japan’s Mega Holiday [CULTURE Family Festival]
Spring is here. And in Japan that means warmer weather, cherry blossoms, and rainy season. But, before the rainy season takes hold and shrouds Japan in a blanket of gray clouds and...