Koza Ginten Festival Saturday brings mainland students

Ginten Festival is held every third Saturday and features an afternoon full of local entertainment starting at 3 p.m.
Students from Kanagawa Prefecture will join the Koza Ginten Festival this Saturday, commemorating the Ginten arcade in Koza.
The Koza Gineten Festival, the Ginetengai, takes place in Okinawa City at Ginten Mall at Koza Crossing from noon ~ 8 p.m. Saturday. The basic promotion is free to visitors, but some attractions require payment. The students form Eiko Gakuen in Kanagawa are bringing steamed meat buns from a famous Chinese restaurant in Kanagawa Chinatown to sell.
A series of events are slated for the day-long event, including a noon ~ 3 p.m. tasting tour where visitors go around the venues by themselves to experience different foods. Participation costs ¥300 to join. Visitors can eat daily dishes of nine delicatessens in the Koza Ginten arcade. Beginning at 5 p.m., roasted sweet potatoes will be on sale for ¥100 at the Koza Ginten Arcade Street.
Musical fun at the Koza Gineten Festival, which is held every third Saturday in Okinawa City, starts at 3 p.m., with an Okinawan traditional sanshin music show.