Marines, local community initiate idea contest

Marines on Okinawa are taking interaction with the local community to a new dimension.

The United States Marine Corps Camp Smedley D. Butler has created a Community Relations Idea Contest for residents of Okinawa Prefecture to contribute ideas to enhance local exchanges and other community relations between USMC installations and local communities, as well as to increase understanding of the Japan-U.S. alliance and the USMC role within it.

The three best ideas will be chosen and the winners will receive certificates of appreciation from the Commanding General at a subsequent presentation ceremony.
Ideas can be submitted by e-mail in Japanese or English, and multiple ideas can be submitted by the same person, each one separately.

The deadline for this contest is April 8th. A  form is required when submitting each idea.  It can be found at the Marines’ website A more detailed description of community relations programs is also on Marine web site   A program flyer is available at

15:35 14 Dec , 2024