May 16 ~ 22
Is there something special you have been waiting for? Over the next week, something or someone, you have been waiting for will come into the picture, and your life is going to be better and happier. You should share the good news with others, so they become even more real. Even your love life would get a big boost from this.
You should avoid doing business with people you know are difficult to deal with, and postpone those dealings to a later day. Something that has been iffy is going to become clearer. Maybe you don’t believe in your luck, but you should at least admit that you have earned it. This could also open up new possibilities for you.
The next week is going to be exciting with new relationships on the forefront. Maybe this could be the right time to pop up an important question. Surely you would like to be more confident in regards of your role in a certain person’s life. A new attitude would help you to start from a clean slate, and get you the attention you need.
You have a tendency to exaggerate your problems, but to say the truth, you are in a difficult situation at this time. You can clear the air, but only if you think it through and take some rest first. Talking with other people is valuable on many levels. You can give a lot both on a spiritual and practical level once you clear your thoughts first.
You should discard any thoughts that keep you back. Be creative and use your imagination. You surely know where you want to go, so start working on your dream. Don’t let other people mess your dreams. Understand that some people are not interested in anything, and won’t help you to achieve your goals no matter what.
The road ahead of you seems to be clear as long as you keep your focus sharp, and are willing to learn. The key to success is not to be found in your past, but ahead with the help of careful planning. Be ready to accept the help from your friends as they are sincere and could think that your refusal would be an insult.
Money is important at this time. Try to save as much as you can. Extravagance has its time, and now it can wait. In general, this time your life is very ordinary, and there are no major responsibilities requiring your immediate attention. But you have to take care of your friendships as they are more rewarding than ever.
You should try to gather your closest friends together as this is the best time for some serious discussion. It would help to be open, especially in matters concerning money. In general, your fortunes shift from day to day, but there is nothing to stress about. The right moment to move ahead comes, and you know when.
You should organize your priorities before things turn hectic next week. You can be sure that you will find the balance between demands of your work and home, but you should think how much this affects those who are the closest to you. Therein could also be an explanation to the recent reactions of some of your friends.
There’s a strong possibility that you can find a new love, but that is not going to blossom to the fullest before towards the end of the summer. In any case, you should enjoy this romantic atmosphere, and learn more about your partner. You think that you know the reality of it all, but you can bet there is much more to come.
Straight talk could get you in a tight spot and lead to a situation that you really can’t move before you see the reaction of others. But you should not worry too much as you already know what to do if their response is negative. Thinking how you would talk to children would help you to communicate your thoughts better.
It seems that you are going in circles this time, and the only way out is for you to expand your social networks. People close to you expect a lot from your, but there is not much to gain in exchange. The question is if you should ask them to reduce their demands. Using humor would help you to get this message over effectively.