June 6 ~ 12
An adventure is in the horizon this weekend, and everything out of the ordinary will feed your appetite. There could be a pleasant surprise over the weekend. Although there could be many points of frustration at your work, they are going to dissipate one by one, if you only have patience to wait for the problems to take care of themselves.
You have to pay more attention to your finances, and your daily expenses deserve your special attention. This is not the best time for your to take a trip, as some of your relatives or best friends could need your help on a short notice, and you may have to familiarize yourself with a complicated situation that would take some time.
You could be the one who takes the next decisive step in your most important relationship. Check twice your attitude towards love and sex, and make sure your partner is aware of the dates you have in mind. Some unexpected expenses could be in the cards, so avoid spending freely and stick with your budget instead.
The romantic period in your life is starting this weekend. Those who are single may decide that the time is right for a steady relationship. However, that also means that this is the right time to balance your finances as money woes are the main cause for heartbreaks. Taking care of money does not mean that you should become stingy.
This is a good weekend to gather some friends together. Many are ready to help, but you have to tell them what you want first. Your partner may give hints on something that is close to his or her heart. Make sure you are on the same wavelength, and listen carefully, as your straight and honest answer is very much expected.
This weekend the focus is your family and circle of closest friends. Contact those of your family you have not been in touch with for some time. Could it be possible that you have missed something important? If so, try to catch up, and take a serious attitude on this. If there is a major question concerning money, better act right away.
Although your mind is very much in daily and practical matters, try to pay attention to hints your partner is giving you. What is expected, cannot wait much longer. Organize ahead as much as you can, so you don’t have to rush around later when you’d have other more urgent things to do. Stay your ground at work, as you’re right.
This is the time of new beginnings, especially at home. Try to get rid of everything that is old and not needed any more. You should clean the house and start anew. However, something that has to do with money is linked to you somehow. And although everything is not clear yet, you better be very careful with this.
You should use this weekend for planning ahead. Make a list about what you’d like to accomplish over the next six months. When you take a close look at your abilities, you will realize that you are in a better position than you had thought. Maybe the results are not immediately visible, but they’ll become obvious in the course of time.
Although you feel energetic, you should sometimes think about your own wellbeing before you rush to help others. You have earned the right to be taken care of, too. If nobody else understands that, you have to realize it yourself. A little time for yourself, and pampering, would do the trick and make you relax and enjoy.
There must have been something in the planets last week that have shaken you up with an urge for an adventure. Your money situation is going to improve, and even if it’s only a small sum, it will be very welcome. Someone is going to trust you with a secret that could be difficult to keep, but starting rumors would be worse.
Keep anything sensitive or secret tightly to yourself, at least for now. This is especially true concerning anything to do with money, so you should be extra careful. There could be a new friendship in the cards for this weekend. But this happens only if you can be flexible, and be at the right place at the right time, and that’s not your home.