H.I.S. sets up new inbound branch in Naha

H.I.S., a major Japanese tourism company, has launched a new office in Naha, called ‘Okinawa Inbound Section,’ that specializes in attracting foreign tourists to Okinawa.

H.I.S. is planning to sell Okinawa travel tours through its new office from places where direct flights are available between Okinawa and cities mainly in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Korea.   H.I.S. takes advantage of its 177-branchesnetwork reaching all over the world, and in the future, aims at running charter flights mutually from places where currently there are no direct flights to Okinawa.  The aim is to increase the number of foreign tourists up to 10,000 in the first year, and from the second year, increase the number 10,000 per year.

According to H.I.S. spokesman, the company regards Okinawa as an important tourism hub for overseas’ travelers, and therefore, the company has tried to attract foreign visitors to Japan. Setting up the inbound office in Okinawa, H.I.S.  managers think they can enhance the support of tourists during their stay in Okinawa. They also see it as a venue to distribute information about tourism on Okinawa.

H.I.S. is planning to sell mutual products as soon as from this fiscal year, and attract airlines to participate from the South-Eastern Asia regions, for example Indonesia and Malaysia.

Yuichiro Oku, the inbound group leader, says, “We would like to provide service that makes visitors from all over the world to think about coming to Okinawa again. Other than that, we will try to produce tourism plans sold across the world, and actively send affordable information not only about the summer but throughout the year. “

For the time being, the operation starts with a staff of two. In the near future, the new office is planning to improve its service, including a 24-hour-support for visitors to Okinawa, and also hire Chinese speaking staff.

17:41 13 Feb , 2025