Okinawa Times runs all Okinawan Internet radio

A 24-hour Internet podcast with all Okinawan dialect programming has been broadcasting since May.

73 groups, including senior citizens’ clubs, Okinawa performing art groups, and a craftwork group have joined in the effort, and each group is in charge of one hour of programming.  For example, in a program, each group introduces its own activity, or gives an explanation of traditional performing art, music, Okinawan sumo or karate, all using Uchinaguchi or Okinawan dialect.

Between talk shows, people can enjoy Okinawan music and entertainment.  12 programs are broadcast two times a day, and in a week, 84 programs aired.  Okinawan people living in foreign countries are reportedly pleased with the service.

People can listen to this channel at public offices or facilities for the elderly. Currently, an Internet radio t listen to the channel is installed in 10 places including the lobby of the Chatan Town Office.  The channel can be accessed through Okinawa Times homepage at or call 098-957-1119 (in Japanese) for more info.

13:47 27 Jul , 2024