Air pollution reduces visibility in Okinawa
A high concentration of particulates called ‘PM2.5’ was monitored in the air in Okinawa on Jan. 17th.
According to officials at Okinawa Meteorological Observatory, an average of 78 micrograms of particulates per cubic meter of air was measured between 1 and 2 p.m. in Naha. The high level of particulates in the air was also monitored at the four other monitoring points on the island. At each of the five monitoring points on Okinawa, the level of PM2.5 exceeded the environmental baseline of 35 micrograms.
Prefecture officials call on people to wear a mask or avoid going out in order to prevent health damage. On Jan. 17th in Naha, smog was observed from 8:00 in the morning, and visibility got worse, down to five kilometers at three in the afternoon.