Okinawa plans for another large demonstration in June

As an estimated 250 people staged a demonstration at Kadena Air Base Gate 1 on Friday, and an even larger rally at the same place, to which organizers hope to attract 2,500 people, was scheduled for Wednesday, even larger rally is in the works for June.

Organizers are hoping to stage a huge demonstration on June 19th, similar to the rally in 1995, in which some 85,000 people gathered to Ginowan Seaside Park to protest the gang-rape of a 12-year-old school girl by three U.S. servicemen. The organizers, which include most of local political parties, businesses and citizens’ groups opposing the relocation of the MCAS Futenma to Henoko, are still finalizing the plans for the mass rally. They are also preparing to adopt a resolution protesting both the government of Japan and the United States. Okinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga is expected to attend the rally.

The “All-Okinawa Council,” an Okinawan mass organization representing the opposition to the construction in Henoko, held an urgent meeting May 22nd to discuss plans for the rally, and fix the date and venue for it. The planned date is Sunday, June 19, and currently, the rally is organized on non-partisan basis. They hope to gather a large number of prominent participants like in 1995.

  • Slyck

    Why do these protesters feel that protesting near bases will solve anything.
    Why not protest at the offices of your elected officials.

    • draftsman

      I don’t know. Why do you feel like shaking your fist on a newspaper blog will solve anything? Why not complain to your base commander?

      • Slyck

        What drove you to the assumption that I was shaking my fist at a newspaper blog?
        I was merely asking a question,not making any complaints.
        And what would there be for me to complain to my base commander about?

19:30 10 Feb , 2025