Jun 2 ~ 8
This weekend passions run hot and surely bring a telltale twinkle in your eye. There’s someone who’s likely to spell out his or her deep feelings towards you, and that could not be a moment too soon. Stay sharp in order not to miss this opportunity. You can expect love, romance and raw physical passion to be the highlight of this weekend and days beyond.
After a period of relative quiet you sure are not looking for a place to hide. But the real question is, with whom would you like to go to the hideout. You can expect close physical relationships to be on the forefront, including intimate confessions and discussions spiced with emotional fireworks. As you thrive on strong feelings, this is where you feel at home.
Your attractiveness is at its peak, and you can expect many people to approach you with titillating proposals that could be difficult to decline. Those who are in a steady relationship can expect to face important decisions for the future. You should not postpone important discussions into a later day, instead, you should make sure that you make time for them as soon as possible.
Now is the time to use all your charms, because it will pay off now. Some persons need more of your attention, but you can tell hem to relax, as you will have more time in the near future. You can’t please everyone, but you should make sure that you are generous with your love. And don’t forget to express your appreciation whereever it’s due.
Hot feelings and romance are on top of your agenda this weekend, but you have to make an effort to please your partner. It is natural that love has its ups and downs. Maybe you have not paid attention to your finances recently, and that could be the cause of a friction. That is a very good reason to take the bull by the horns and fix the problem once and for all.
You should now concentrate on showing warm feelings towards your partner and prepare time for just you two alone. To spend time together is now more important than ever, and relaxing and taking it easy together is a double joy for you to enjoy. You have every chance to succeed, but you have to pay close attention to details and plan ahead a little.
No doubt you have noticed that your love life has lately picked up considerably. This is the time for your romance and passion to reach their peak. It’s now easy for you to turn little disagreements into tender moments of love, if you only want to. You should especially prepare to pamper your partner with something special this weekend. You will no regret it.
Romantic encounters this weekend could be both passionate and enhancing. Deeds speak now more than words, and could easily be a gateway to a more stable and romantic future. Someone is going to remind you of the closeness you had before. You may wonder why the situation has changed, but time does things that unfortunately can often be irreversible.
Domestic matters are now in the forefront in your thoughts. Some changes ahead require money, but you can always try to be creative and try to recycle as much as possible. Postpone any big money decisions to next week. It’s more important to pay attention to your future, discuss about plans and make sure that romance in your life is alive and well.
Demands at your work will take a big chunk of your time during the next few days. To alleviate the pressure, make sure that you demand that others in your team do their part, and don’t be afraid to delegate. To pay enough attention to your loved ones is difficult when you’re tired, but the right words are very important. Someone is in need to reassurances.
Lately, you have had a feeling that the life is somehow passing you by. All this is going to change from now on and you are ready for a new take0ff. Just enjoy the trip. You should be relieved when you see old routines disappear, and pieces will finally fall in their place. Things will certainly start moving ahead to the right direction, and the way you have wanted.
This would be the right time to complete all old projects that have not proceeded anywhere lately. Once you get all this cleared, it becomes the time to pay attention to your more personal needs. Although it’s still too soon to make important personal decision, it’s not too early to start mulling them in your mind and put everything in the right order.