
June 09 ~ 15


You are almost reaching the level of harmony in your life that you have dreamed of. The only thing you need is a little more self-confidence, and some help from a good friend. You should not be afraid to tell about your dreams to your friends, and if romance is important to you that’s only natural, and you can freely admit it.


You will have many discussions with your friends over the next few days. No one has asked you to make an important decision, but you know it’s coming. You should think with whom you want to spend time this weekend, and look your best. You should also think whether you want to ask a question you’ve had in your mind.


Someone is going to ask you to join a new project, but you should think carefully before you agree whether this is really what you want and in your best interest. If it involves too much work, think of someone you could recommend replace yourself. The more practical attitude you take, the easier everything settles in its right place.


A surprise meeting with someone could well lead to a conversation about your plans for your future. You feel free, and that is going to boost your imagination. You should not reject any proposal before considering everything thoroughly. Regarding love, there could be an important question, and you can only hope the answer is right.


Your charms and energy are now on top. No one can resist your smile and positive aura, and if someone does, you should avoid the company of such person. If you dream of a romantic weekend, just do it. When you put your mind on it that’s almost a surefire guarantee that the occasion is going to be a roaring success.


Your social life should be the focus at this time, but you have to do something yourself. Your family and friends could still be in a stupor because of the rainy season, so an encouraging smile and a good hug from you could be just the right medicine to jolt them into action. Your love life is also in need of a good positive jolt.


You should try to organize better and engage in boring daily routines as little as possible. At your work there’s a plan afoot that will open you new possibilities. That would also help you to show what you really can accomplish. Someone who has the power to move things is going to take a notice of you, so stay on your game.


In order for you to recognize what you really need, you should analyze your feelings. Ask yourself honest questions, and although you already know the answers you could have a problem admitting them. When someone asks your opinion, avoid saying aloud the first thought that comes to your mind. Think first.


Changes that you have waited for a long time are finally coming through offering you an excellent opportunity to put in your thoughts and ideas. The company of some smart people is giving a nice boost to your confidence, and you will realize that you have more to give that you’ve thought. Someone is going to confide you a secret.


This time working as a team would bring you the fastest results. There is a possibility that you can start a new project that is very close to your heart, and at the same time offers a great opportunity to expand your circle of friends. The reward for a job accomplished could be more spiritual than financial at this time, though.


Dreaming about love, riches and wellbeing is rewarding sometimes, but it can also bring disappointment and even fear. Make sure that your dreams are positive. Your life is what you make it to be, and at the end, no one is going to look after you better than yourself. But don’t be afraid to take reasonable risks.


Something that you have regarded as very complicated turns out to be a simple matter as soon as you stop concentrating too much on small details. Sometimes taking distance can mean being closer to a solution. If you want to make a change in your life, you should start with small steps, and move on as you accomplish your goals.

06:59 14 Feb , 2025