Households living in condos expected to double

According to Kaihou Research Institute ltd. survey on housing supply, the number of households in Okinawa living in condominium-type units increased 25.5 percent over the period from 2011 to 2015. The increase is the largest in Japan.

On the other hand, researchers at the institute point out that only 4.84 percent of all households in Okinawa live in condos, and that puts the prefecture in the 20th place nationwide. Based on the low ratio, the institute predicts the figure to grow in the future.

The number of condominium units in Okinawa in 2011 was 23,353 that grew to 29,299 in 2015. The institute estimates the number of households living in condos could rise to 10 percent of the total number of households or to 60,000 over the next five years.



02:10 07 Feb , 2025