Three Golden Kings’ players leave team
The Ryukyu Golden Kings, Okinawa’s pro-basketball team, scheduled to join the first division of the new unified Japanese pro-basketball league called B.League, announced that three members of the last season’s championship team are leaving.
Naoto Kosuge, a guard from Niigata Prefecture, will leave the Kings and retire as a player. Kosuge joined the Golden Kings in 2010. His specialty is the 3-point shot, which he used very effectively during his career to change the flow of games. He also played defense very well, and guarded the hoop effectively even against big foreign players.
Announcing his retirement, Kosuge commented, “I have played basketball as a professional six years for Niigata, and another six years for the Golden Kings. I can honestly say that because of the support from members of both teams, staff, coaches, trainers and all the fans, I was able to keep on playing on the court for such a long time. Year after year, I found myself wanting to earn a win for the team more than improving my personal score. As the Kings won the championship of the final season of the bj-League. I’m able to retire with the Championship. I’m indeed a very lucky guy! I deeply appreciate the support of all fans and staff. I wish the Kings’ more success in the brand new B.League, and am looking forward to watching them.”
Also, Draelon Burns and Evan Ravenel are leaving the squad, Kings’ officials announced Jun. 21st.
Burns has been with the team from the season 2013-2014, and worked hard for the team. Burns can score from both in and outside, and is effective in assists and rebounds. Although Burns was not a starting player in most of the matches, the Kings would not have been able to capture the last season championship without him. Burns was called the best 6th man of the team.
Evan Ravenel joined to the Kings just for the last season. Ravenel also plays well both in and outside, and was a pillar player of the team both in the inside attack and defense. He won the 2nd place for field goal success in the league last season. He also was voted for the MVP of the final match against Toyama Grouses.