Kunigami Festival invites people to have fun among nature
Kunigami Village stretches over the northernmost area of the main island of Okinawa, and has a rather small population of less than 6,000 residents. But instead of people it has plenty of wilderness and that makes it a nature lover’s paradise. It’s considered one of the best “Eco Tour” destinations on Okinawa.
The annual Kunigami Village Festival is known for some interesting events every year in addition to the usual Eisa and live music performances by local musicians.
Saturday’s program features a karate show, Hawaiian dance and local high school band performance.
On Sunday, speed-eating watermelon and goya juice and beer chugging contests, ladies’ arm-wrestling competition and bare-hand live fish catching tournament are all taking place throughout the day. Haarii or dragon boat rakes are held on Sunday morning at Hentona Beach from 10:00.
A children’s hero show is also on the menu for Sunday afternoon followed by a special hand-shaking event afterwards for children under six.
Fireworks end the festival on Sunday at 21:20.
The Kunigami Village Festival takes place from 16:30 to 21:30 on Aug. 20th and 10:00 to 21:30 p.m. on Aug. 21st. Admission go the event is free. The main venue of the festival is at the Kunigami Junior High School grounds.