And this week’s winner is…

Dave Pope is the lucky winner of this week’s JU raffle. He won a ¥3,000 gift card that can be used for a fine meal in any Red Lobster restaurant on the island.

Claiming to be “really old” Dave has lived on the island 20 some years, but says he is finally leaving sometime in 2014. He says his home town is San Luis Obisbo in California.

He also sys his life on Okinawa has been amazing, and he has had really great time here over the past years. “Especially local people here are great,” he says. He does not hesitate when he names his favorite local food. “Tofu Champuru! I could eat that every day, and never get tired of it.”

Before leaving the island for good, he would like o visit and explore the Japanese island of Shikoku. “For some reason, that region fascinates me,” he explains.

To participate in Japan Update weekly raffle, just go to, and click on “Raffle Entry” where you can see what’s the prize for the currently on-going raffle. The just sign up, and good luck!

  • Ernest Molina

    Congratulations Mr Pope!!!!!! Hope 58th is still treating you good!!!!!

11:09 27 Jul , 2024