Cultivator accident claims life of elderly Chatan man

An elderly Chatan Town resident has bled to death after getting his hand caught in a small cultivator in a Kitamae district farm.

The 85-year-old Morimasa Inamine was working with a friend in the field when his right arm to face became entangled in the piece of farm machinery about 11:30 a.m. last Saturday. Inamine’s friend called 119, and Inamine was transported to a nearby hospital by ambulance, but he was already in cardiopulmonary arrest. He was pronounced dead at 12:57 p.m. due to heavy bleeding.

  • rebeccah

    I am saddened to hear of the passing of this grandfather in my childhood neighborhood. Kitamae was my home and the people there like my family. Even if they do not remember me, I remrmber the kindness and beauty of their hearts. My thoughts are with that community tonight.

01:45 21 Sep , 2024