Motorist punches newspaper delivery woman in the face

An Okinawa Times newspaper delivery woman making her early morning rounds found a man who’d stopped at the Okinawa Times Chubu Branch parking lot, where he’d broken a mini-car window.

When the 67-year-old woman was spotted, the man got out of his car and went to the woman, struck her in the face with his hand, and then fled.  Okinawa Police are investigating the case as an attempted robbery since the man had broken into the mini-car and stolen money and goods, and assault for beating the woman.

Police say the attacker appeared to be 50~60 years of age, about 165cm tall, slender, and wearing black clothes.  The man walked from the scene, headed toward Okinawa City Hall.

  • Miyagi Chatan Cho

    So an Okinawa man punched an elderly lady in th face for no reason? Why doesn’t Okinawa have more street or local cameras? There are too many people on Okinawa who can not drive and who steal; camera’s can assist an capturing those who steal and conduct hit and runs in parking lots,etc.

03:14 21 Sep , 2024