Doctor busted for playing pachinko during duty
A 63-year-old doctor working at a Naha government operated children’s medical rehabilitation facility was busted for slipping out of his working place to play pachinko at a near-by parlor during working hours.
The doctor has admitted visiting the pachinko hall more than 10 times during his duty hours in July and August; When confronted about his indiscretion, the doctor said that he needed to relieve stress caused by his hectic working schedule at the clinic.
His escapades to the pachinko hall were discovered after his staff started wondering about his regular disappearance from the working place, and then one day followed him to the pachinko hall.
Ichiro Oyadomari, the chairman of Okinawa Pediatrics Association that oversees the facility, said that the doctor’s behavior was totally unacceptable. “This can not be tolerated.” Oyadomari said.
Okinawa Prefecture Health and Environment Section Direcor Hiromasa Kinjo said that his section is the one supervising the facility, so they are going to conduct an investigation. “This is the first time I’ve heard of this kind of incident. We will conduct a thorough investigation, and then decide what an appropriate disciplinary action should be. We must make sure that something like this does not happen again,” Kinjo said.