Ospreys already stir concerns over flight patterns

The MV-22 Osprey is barely ready to begin operations from Futenma Marine Corps Air Station in Ginowan City, but already it’s raising new ire from citizens from Kochi to Okinawa over the way the hybrid tilt-rotor plane is flying.

The agreements between Japan and the United States stipulated that the Osprey should fly over water as much as possible, and on Okinawa it’s to be in airplane mode when flying away from U.S. military installations.  As the last three Ospreys made the trek from Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station in mainland Japan, it flew over the city of Shimanto in Kochi Prefecture.  While technically a legal move, it’s stirred additional controversy.

The big issue is here, though, as Okinawa residents watched an Osprey flying in vertical mode over a heavily populated area of Ginowan City on Tuesday.  That is not supposed to happen, they say, per the agreement between the two governments.

As Kochi Prefecture is on one of the planned routes for mainland flight training, it is continuing to oppose the deployment of the MV-22 Ospreys in Japan.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Ken-Harper/1485921764 Ken Harper

    The MV-22 shouldn’t be near a heavily populated area like this. This aircraft is hard to control while inflight. It has killed 19 Americans so far. The pilots were very highly skilled & they still had crashes that resulted in everyone being killed.

    • http://www.facebook.com/JDKeeling J.D. Keeling

      “The redesigned, retested Osprey’s safety record is so good that it’s
      actually the safest rotorcraft the Marine Corps flies, based on Class A
      mishaps per 100,000 flight hours. Those are official Naval Safety Center


      But of course, your statistics are far greater than anyone else’s because your mind is made up.

      • http://www.facebook.com/people/Ken-Harper/1485921764 Ken Harper

        After how many people were killed by crashes ?

      • http://www.facebook.com/people/Ken-Harper/1485921764 Ken Harper

        To J.D. Keeling:
        1992- 3 marines & 4 civilians killed in a crash.
        2000- April 19 marines killed in V-22 crash in Arizona
        2000- December – V-22 crashes & kills 4 marines .
        You were right J. D. Keeling, I must of added wrong it isn’t 19 killed.
        looks like it is 26 marines have died, with 4 civilians = 30 people.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_BZ7ZTAMG35HXKUTBCEGPTUJTLU Michelle

    locals are already pointing lasers at them and also releasing ballons in their paths. how does this facilitate their so-called safety agenda platform?! ridiculous !

  • http://www.facebook.com/JDKeeling J.D. Keeling

    Actually Ken, most of the crashes were PILOT error. Yes, they were highly skilled, but the human factor in anything can cause problems. And your death count is way off too.

    • http://www.facebook.com/people/Ken-Harper/1485921764 Ken Harper

      The crashes were caused by a bad part on the hydralics system. This was dicovered after a crash that they knew there wasn’t any pilot error. The Navy & Boeing couldn’t cover-up this. It finally came out & was made public.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Ken-Harper/1485921764 Ken Harper

    J.D. Keeing, wrong again, only a few were pilot error. Faulty part that wasn’t working correctly (they finally found out after the third crash). I live in the town where the V-22 is manufactured in PA.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Ken-Harper/1485921764 Ken Harper

    U S Attorney general also has broken up a well established drug ring that worked out of the Boeing Plant in Ridley Park, PA. Past two local union presidents have been found guilty of crimes & one had to go to jail for it. There is more information on the V-22 crashes, don’t know if I can release them online.

01:27 07 Feb , 2025