Second sailor drops denials in rape case

The second U.S. Navy sailor accused in the early morning rape October 16th of a young Okinawa woman has changed his tune and admitted being involved, although he says he was too drunk to remember what was happening.

The 23-year-old Seaman, Christopher Browning, says he was drunk and doesn’t remember details of the incident.  Okinawa Prefecture Police are working on gathering evidence against Browning, who they say raped the woman near Kadena Air Base together with Petty Officer Third Class Skyler Dozierwalker.  Dozierwalker almost immediately admitted to the charges, describing the incident he said also involved Browning.  Initially, Browning denied participating, telling police he was at a hotel.

Dozierwalker says although both joined in the rape, he told a lawyer it was Browning who took the woman’s belongings and tossed them away.  The two sailors are in Japanese police custody.  The case has been referred to the Naha District Prosecutor’s Office, which now has a period of time to decide what charges to bring against the two.  The U.S. military says it is cooperating fully in the investigation.

The alleged rape took place in the early hours of last Tuesday, around 4 a.m., near Gate 2 Street.  The woman was reportedly stalked, then grabbed, dragged into a parking lot near her apartment, assaulted and raped.  Police tracked the two sailors, who are stationed in Texas and were only in Okinawa for a two-day temporary duty stint, at a nearby hotel.

  • Ken Harper

    Snitches get sitches in jail.

  • Alexander Sanchez Jr

    2 days and these two clowns have started a shit storm in a country that we can ill afford it. Was stationed at Kadena for almost 4 years, and this shit never seems to stop no matter how much training the troops get. Though these two were on temp duty, this should show the need, especially given how very little time they had to commit a very serious crime, that temps probably need to have a curfew as they are not I country long enough to learn in Okinawa, anything serious you do, leads to a hell of a lot of grief. And to prove to the Okinawans, and by extension all Japanese, that we AE serious about putting an end to these never ending series of screw up, let these two be crucified by the justice system, whether US or Japanese, but no matter what, let them do the time in the prison of the country they offended. Japan. Trust me, after seeing the conditions they have there, I never wanted to do anything that would put me a position to end up in one.

    • Joseph Cool

      Mr Sanchez, please be patient before crucifying anyone. They have not held the trial nor convicted anyone. Due process. Did you know according to the Trafficking in Persons Report 2011 ( U.S. Department of State) that Japan is a 2nd degree human trafficking country, same level as India, Brazil and Cambodia? This place is full of criminals, always has been. Get back in the history books before condemning all military.

      • dr_bugsy

        Maybe you should stop condemning all Japanese while you’re at it.

  • Ken Harper

    Take DNA samples from these two who are accused & enter them into US data base to look for a match to any other crimes.

    • dr_bugsy

      That might be a good idea except for the “Right against self-incrimination.”

      • Ken Harper

        US military has samples already.

  • JohnS

    As long as the U.S. continues to flood this poor island with its violent and otherwise unemployable teenagers, the long list of crimes perpetrated by them against the Okinawan people will continue to grow.

10:30 16 Feb , 2025