Unemployed teen snatches handbag from hospital

A teenager hanging out in a hospital waiting room to avoid bad weather has been arrested for stealing a woman’s handbag containing ¥6 million he found laying on a sofa.

Uruma Police arrested the 16-year-old after he was caught after taking a handbag belonging to a 58-year-old woman at an Uruma City hospital between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.  The boy had left his home and was in the hospital waiting room until the wind and rain subsided, and he spotted the back the woman had left.  The incident happened October 6th, but no leads developed until October 17th, when Uruma Police received a tip about “a boy staying alone” at a commercial facility in their city.

When they investigated, Police discovered the boy had ¥90,000 in cash on him.  When questioned about where he got the money, the boy confessed to the theft and was then arrested.  Officials say they’re still trying to determine what happened to the rest of the cash, the handbag and the wallet.  Police continue to question the teen, believing it possible someone else is involved as an accessory to the crime.

  • Kujo2

    Hmmm…16 year old out at 2 am? Slap a curfew on Okinawan teens…they need to have better training and more discipline!

    • Wade

      They already do have a curfew and it seems to be enforced about as well as the military’s. And frankly, judging from the new young military members I’ve worked with recently, Okinawan teens are a bit more disciplined.

10:53 16 Feb , 2025