American GI’s in Japan just can’t stay out of trouble

Senior military commanders in Japan, not to mention the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, are anything but happy today after three separate incidents have landed American servicemen behind bars in Okinawan and mainland Japanese jails.

Yokohama Police are holding a 23-year-old U.S. Navy sailor on suspicion of public indecency while being on the streets in violation of a U.S. military curfew.  Oscar Hayes Wiygul III is being charged with allegedly walking around naked in an internet café on Friday.

Two other incidents took place involving U.S. Marines on Okinawa.  Police on Friday arrested a 27-year-old Marine stationed at Futenma Marine Corps Air Station on charges of drunk driving.  Fernandez Luis’s arrest came after a Japanese woman complained that her car had been hit by the suspect’s vehicle.  The police spokeswoman says Luis has denied the allegations.  There were no injuries in the incident.

The other Okinawa-based Marine now in a Japanese jail is PFC Gregory James Carson II, who was arrested just outside Camp Courtney, where he is stationed, on Thanksgiving Day on trespassing charges.  The 20-year-old Marine was arrested while climbing up the drainpipe affixed to a local office building belonging to the Japanese Landowners Association.

Carson, who was tested for alcohol with negative results, reportedly told police he wanted to go to the roof to practice backflips.  His arrest followed a call from a nearby resident.  The building where Carson was apprehended is used by a group which leases property to Japanese Self Defense Forces.

The latest three incidents come only days after last Sunday’s arrest of a Marine Corps first lieutenant who trespassed into an apartment in downtown Naha City after admittedly violating curfew to drink with a woman in several bars.  Days before that, another trespassing incident in Yomitan involved an Airman from Kadena Air Base who broke into an apartment, hit a young teenager and damaged property before jumping from a third floor window. That attempt to flee landed him in the U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa with broken bones.

The rape of an Okinawan woman in her 20’s started the string of crimes that has triggered an 11 p.m. ~ 5 a.m. curfew for all service personnel throughout Japan. The two U.S. Navy sailors were on temporary duty in Okinawa from their base in Texas when they raped the girl in Okinawa City.

  • Yamato

    Confine them to their bases. Permanently.

    • (*-*)

      So what about those who live off base, oh and those who dont do stupid things, oh and what about the thousands of Japanese who commit much more crimes than Amercians?

    • Izumi

      What about the thousands of Okinawa businesses and jobs connected with those businesses that are supported by the military people here. Confining people to base punishes the Okinawan as much or more than the military.

      • Local

        You clearly have issues with Americans. We are humans too!

  • 山本真一

    It’s funny to me that the Japanese news media has been so free to report stories as if they are facts before they are proven to be true. I must say that Japan update is also quite clearly guilty of this poor journalism well. I can only compare it to a kid who’s just discovered how masturbate.

  • Guest

    Funny, the guy who got locked up for staying out during curfew and being in someone’s house is a lie. The mamasan who owns the club he was in, has been fucking him for months behind her husbands back. The guy drank too much so she told him go upstairs and get in bed. What she didn’t know is her husband was coming back 2 days early from mainland. So he gets home and she is still in the club closing up. But no one tells that part they only say shit to make American’s look bad. How about the okinawan guy who STABBED AND KILLED AND AMERICAN? How about all the drunk driving Okinawans? How about all the Japanese guys who rape and beat women? There are alot more than Americans. How about the Japanese man in mainland how used a knife to stab 7 people? How about the Okinawan man who broke into cars and when a woman saw him, he punches her in the face and runs away? Yeah, a lot of crap the Japanese and Okinawan’s do but no one says it in the news. For the record, your news is full of bullshit. You want American’s out? Then stop taking their money. Stop letting them in clubs and bars and stores. Stop giving them cars to drive. Stop sending 10 people to put up signs and talk crap at the bases. If you ALL want us gone, then ALL of you should go to the base. You should put ALL of the stories in the news. You should tell ALL the facts not just the part that makes Americans look bad. You think people don’t find out the lies you tell? Here, I’ll even make it easier on you…..JAPAN KILLED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AND TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD….BUT AMERICA AND THE ALLIES CAME IN A KICKED YOUR ASSES. YOU LOST. YOU HAVE NO MILITARY. YOU HAVE NO GUNS. YOU HAVE NO WAY TO SURVIVE ON YOUR OWN. ITS YOUR OWN FAULT THAT AMERICA IS HERE. IF WWII NEVER HAPPENED, AMERICANS WOULDN’T BE HERE. YOU LOST, SHUT UP AND GET OVER IT. WE COULD HAVE TAKEN EVERYTHING AND JUST ERASED EVERYTHING JAPANESE. BUT WE DIDN’T. AMERICA GAVE YOU JAPAN BACK AND LET YOU LIVE WITHOUT DESTROYING YOUR LIVES AND MAKING THINGS VERY BAD. YOU SHOULD BE THANKING THE US GOVERNMENT FOR TREATING YOU LIKE PEOPLE INSTEAD OF ANIMALS LIKE YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT DID AND WHY AMERICA HAD TO COME KICK THEIR BUTT.

    • Tomamii

      Getting tired reading just the first line… sorry your ranting is boring. Go home to your stripes country.

    • Chris

      You just proved your not only Ignorant but also arrogant. You might want to get you facts straight before you comment. Last time I checked Japan doesn’t want Americans out, the Okinawan’s do. And Okinawans didn’t kill millions of people. 70% of US forces in Japan are stationed in their 60 mile long island. That would be like taking 40,000 service members plus dependents and contractors and stationing them on :Long island instead of the spreading the wealth. Im pretty sure Long Islanders wouldn’t be happy. there are about 160 islands in okinawa prefecture. Im fairly certain they could have spread out the bases. Not to mention in would have been more strategic than consolidating forces to a tiny area.

  • Guest

    Funny, the guy who got locked up for staying out during curfew and being in someone’s house is a lie. The mamasan who owns the club he was in, has been fucking him for months behind her husbands back. The guy drank too much so she told him go upstairs and get in bed. What she didn’t know is her husband was coming back 2 days early from mainland. So he gets home and she is still in the club closing up. But no one tells that part they only say shit to make American’s look bad. How about the okinawan guy who STABBED AND KILLED AND AMERICAN? How about all the drunk driving Okinawans? How about all the Japanese guys who rape and beat women? There are alot more than Americans. How about the Japanese man in mainland how used a knife to stab 7 people? How about the Okinawan man who broke into cars and when a woman saw him, he punches her in the face and runs away? Yeah, a lot of crap the Japanese and Okinawan’s do but no one says it in the news. For the record, your news is full of bullshit. You want American’s out? Then stop taking their money. Stop letting them in clubs and bars and stores. Stop giving them cars to drive. Stop sending 10 people to put up signs and talk crap at the bases. If you ALL want us gone, then ALL of you should go to the base. You should put ALL of the stories in the news. You should tell ALL the facts not just the part that makes Americans look bad. You think people don’t find out the lies you tell? The Japanese government is the reason all this happens. Why not make the military move the Osprey? Funny because they just got 6 new ones this week and have 8 more coming. But your government does nothing. WHy? Because they get money and they can’t keep the Americans from doing it. They know they are wrong. They know they lost the war. They know the American government pays SOOOO MUCH MONEY and that is why they let them stay. Here, I’ll even make it easier on you…..JAPAN KILLED MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE AND TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD….BUT AMERICA AND THE ALLIES CAME IN AND WON. YOU LOST. ITS YOUR GOVERNMENT’S FAULT THAT AMERICA IS HERE. IF WWII NEVER HAPPENED, AMERICANS WOULDN’T BE HERE.

    • Tomamii

      Copy and past error ? no more ideas ? Alzheimer ?

  • DJ TeeOh

    Funny, the guy who got locked up for staying out during curfew and being in someone’s house is a lie. The mamasan who owns the club he was in, has been cheating with him for months behind her husbands back. The guy drank too much so she told him go over to her house and get in bed. What she didn’t know is her husband was coming back early from mainland. So he gets home, sees the guy and calls the police. She was still in the club closing up. But no one tells that part they only say stuff to make American’s look bad. How about the okinawan guy who STABBED AND KILLED AN AMERICAN? The Japanese who raped American women? How about all the drunk driving Okinawans? How about all the Japanese guys who rape and beat women? There are alot more than Americans. How about the Japanese man in mainland how used a knife to stab 7 people? How about the Okinawan man who broke into cars and when a woman saw him, he punches her in the face and runs away? A lot of crap the Japanese and Okinawan’s do but no one says it in the news. For the record, your news is full of bullshit. You want American’s out? Then stop taking their money. Stop letting them in clubs and bars and stores. Stop giving them cars to drive. Stop sending 10 people to put up signs and protest at the bases. If you ALL want us gone, then ALL of you should go to the base. You should put ALL of the stories in the news. You should tell ALL the facts not just the part that makes Americans look bad. You think people don’t find out the lies you tell? The Japanese government is the reason all this happens. Why not make the military move the Osprey? Funny because they just got 6 new ones this week and have 8 more coming. But your government does nothing. WHy? Because they get money and they can’t keep the Americans from doing it. They know they are wrong. They know they lost the war. They know the American government pays SOOOO MUCH MONEY and that is why they let them stay. Here, I’ll even make it easier on you…..JAPAN KILLED MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE AND TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD….BUT AMERICA AND THE ALLIES CAME IN AND WON. YOU LOST. ITS YOUR GOVERNMENT’S FAULT THAT AMERICA IS HERE. IF WWII NEVER HAPPENED, AMERICANS WOULDN’T BE HERE.

    • John Davis

      I don’t know who you think you ranting at.

      Here’s one for you:

      Japan pays 8.6 Billion Dollars every year for the doubtful and highly unpopular privilege of donating land and support for its bases in Japan.

      The U.S.A. killed thousands of innocent non-combatants in Mogadishu, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, The Middle East. It also slaughtered 3,000 people in New York in 9/11.

      Is the U.S.A. trying to take over the world? Beats me. Smashing the folk (misspelling) out of the planet is not a very good way of doing it. What on earth is the U.S.A. trying to do? Is there a plan or is it all as random as it seems?

      About the only thing I can agree with what you write is, “If WWII never happened, Americans wouldn’t be here.” That, my friend, is certainly true.

      However, WWII finished in 1945.

      This year is 2012.

      Didn’t you know the war was over?

      • 山本真一

        You are the perfect example of the anti-American. You obviously dont understand the relationship between the US and our Japanese government. You act as if Japan is prisoner to America, yet you ignore the fact that the Japanese constitution says that Japan will not have an offensive capable military. This is the purpose of the American presence; to provide protection and deterrant to especially china.

        The Japanese people like their constitution and there we have to accept that what America is doing here, by not pulling out its troops and going, the Japanese are not in immediate danger from other countries. Most Japanese know this is life and reality.

        Guess you must now accept the fact that WWII did happen, it’s the course of history.

        • John Davis


          I am not an example of anything, I am myself. And I certainly am not I anti-American.

          As for understanding the relationship between the US and the Japanese government, I understand that Japan is a puppet and it does mostly what its American masters tell it.

          I don’t know how you imagine than I ignore Article 9 because I said nothing about this. I suppose you have a very fertile imagination.

          The purpose of the US military presence in Okinawa is NOT to protect Japan. Mostly what it does here is training and keeping its troops in readiness. It is also, of course, as I mentioned above, getting a free ride. Japan pays HUGE money to support the US military. 8.6 BILLION DOLLARS is not chicken feed.

          China is NOT the enemy.

          It certainly is not and has never been an enemy of OKINAWA. For the Yamato people maybe, but Ryukyu maintain a good, trading relationship with China for hundreds of years.

          Yamamoto-san, most Okinawans do not want the US military in Okinawa. This fact was confirmed by a survey in the Asahi Shinbun earlier this year.

          With all due respect, I suggest that you put your fixed ideas and the propaganda that you have been fed to one side, open your eyes and look.

          • kotowaza

            I think John Davis is one of the conspiracy theorists, so you will never win an argument with him Yamamoto, it appears that you are Japanese, and clearly he is not Japanese, but will still tell you that you are wrong. I think you should not address anything he’s talking about because it’s nonsense ‘new world order’ babble. Not to mention his reference to the Asahi shinbun which, if you have lived in Okinawa and Mainland for long enough know, it is staunchly against the presence of US Forces in Japan, which means it’s results are to be digested with very high suspicion anyway.

            Japan has very few balanced reporting entities easily accessible to the average Japanese, most Japanese get their news from TV. Japanese Television is overwhelmingly a smear machine. Which brings me to this point…..

            I think the Military men and women still do activities with the Japanese called a Community Relation event. They have been around for a long as I can remember, and I have NEVER EVER seen this on Japanese TV–Ever–. This should tell you something. The volunteering to clean a local nursing home is never aired on local TV, nor are the trips to orphanages Back in 2001 there was a huge group who played with handicapped children and dedicated their weekends off to the group, but it goes unnoticed by the Japanese Media in order for it not to give our folks any credit in this region. You won’t see it on Japan Update, nor on OTV, or on NHK.. you will see it in the base newspapers though.

            I know this information does not benefit your ridiculous arguement John, so I’m sure your retaliation will be as ridiculous as your NWO rationality.

          • Okinawa Resident

            You are a JACKASS and a HYPOCRITE. Your ranting and raving is filled with watered down bits of fact and your fantasy world. You should think before you speak unless you enjoy making yourself look like an idiot. Another thing that gets me is everyone whining about how newspapers don’t report all of the crimes that Japanese commit. #1- They are JAPANESE we are IN JAPAN. You are in a foreign country which means ANYTHING YOU DO IS EMPHASIZED 10 FOLD. I’m not saying that the stories reported about crimes committed by foreigners is accurate by any means but, foreigners will always be the center of attention. Have you ever watched a Japanese news channel? They report quite a bit. Just because they don’t report it in English doesn’t mean anything. If you want to know, LEARN JAPANESE. It’s not that hard. When did society turn into a bunch of crying babies?

        • oldvarick

          We have a saying in the USA……..Please don’t feed the trolls…..

      • DJ TeeOh

        Lol, Mogadishu and the rest? Really you are an idiot. The CIVILIANS were part of the fighting. The people were on one side or the other. There were “innocent” people shooting at military and they got killed. What do the enemies do after that? They grab all the guns and keep fighting. SO then the streets show dead people with no guns. Looks like a massacre of “innocent” people. You don’t know shit. Oh and I guess you know the TRUTH behind 9/11.

      • DJ TeeOh

        JAPAN doesn’t PAY shit. You think the government of Japan PAYS for the US to occupy the land? You are retarded. The US government pays for it. Along with many other things like house sound proofing near the airport and FREE WATER in the towns near the bases. So how can you say THE PAST IS OVER but you still talking shit about the past? JAPAN KILLED MORE PEOPLE DURING PEACE TIME AND THE NAZIS. Japan killed MORE PEOPLE in 10 years than the US has in ANY war. You want to talk about history but you don’t know it because the japanese government only tells you what they want you to know. Fact is, the Japanese ATTACKED the US. Now deal with it.

  • kotowaza

    Boo!!! Japan Update you SUCK!! The Japanese guy below is right… TERRIBLE journalism!! Why can you post such an inflamatory title and not put a name of the journalist. Absolutely cowardly.

    • kotowaza

      I find it really strange that Japan Update, who is supposed to serve the Military community, is so brazen to post this story. This isn’t an official article written by any reputable journalist, rather, it was written by a lone individual who clearly has a grudge with his customers. Japan Update…. please publish the facts, with a mature title, which still grabs attention. If any of the staff there have any journalism education, you will know what I’m speaking of.

  • Ken Harper

    A lot of people making comments here are forgetting that people have a right to a better quality of life for their residents & a future generation. This is what everyone on Okinawa should be striving for. People who are serving in the U S Armed forces on Okinawa should also realize this. Would you like this happening in your hometown in America? Year after year for the last 50 years. Think about it.

    • kotowaza

      ken, you make it sound like Americans are animals. Don’t forget the benefit of us being here for both countries. As far as “this happening”, if you pay attention to Japanese news, you see a lot more freaky things going on which are Japanese on Japanese.

      • Ken Harper

        There still needs to be more cooperation from US & Okinawans to make this more successful. Past history has shown it is continuing, & it has gotten a lot worse. Now where are we at now. The Okinawan people & Japanese people both want the Americans to leave. By the way big publicly owned corporations would like to develope the Futenma MCAS. Right now as I see it, this land should be put to better use for all the people that live in Okinawa. Prime real estate going to waste now.

        • kotowaza

          I think there is a bad case of foreigners’ pretentious idea that their opinions are also that of the Japanese people. You say “the Okinawan and Japanese people both want Americans to leave”, that is not a fact, that is just you saying it’s a fact.

          • Ken Harper

            Wasn’t there a protest with how many thousands of people outside the Futenma MCAS a while back. Oh, I must be wrong, that must of been a “PEACE” demostration.

          • cole macdonald

            The majority of people that come to okinawa to protest are usually people recruited by corporations that want to drive the US out so this can become a tourist attraction island. read some of the signs they hold…i have seen a sign that reads “GI leave okinawa” and the man next to him holding one that reads “bring our troops home”. Completely contradictory statements but they were both in a base protest.
            A lot of the stuff at futenma has been about the ospreys because the US basically said screw you, we are bringing them here anyway.

          • Ken Harper

            Elections coming up in Japan, I hope the Japanese voters exercise their right to vote!! The US government thru the US embassey has been trying to manupilate the outcome to their advantage, but isn’t having any success right now!! It is too late unless they throw a few billion dollars into the election for their side. This sounds like it will be a huge win for the opposition.

          • James

            Kenny boy, You lost your bet.

          • James

            Though you’ll probably never read this again since you just posted your non-point in here, I still decide to reply to this one since it makes me laugh.

            It’s a joke when you spew “facts” from the Japanese media and use them as your own ammunition in an argument. It’s like chalk tipped bullets. You and I both know the Japanese media exaggerates nearly every issue there is on TV. Let’s face it; Japan is not an exciting country. It is beautiful and the culture is really lovely and to die for, but there isn’t crap going on with this country.

            Which brings me to my point of how they light fire to every single happening, so people can rant and rave about things with each other. It’s literally a gossiping village of children and they have technology on their side.

      • Ken Harper

        If Japanese commit crimes against their own people, this is their problem to solve. I can still remember being told about our mission of the military while I was stationed in Okinawa.

  • ttonkery

    Good Day to everyone here in this forum. First I want to say I have lived here in Okinawa for 20 years, of that 20-12 were in the military stationed here. I’ve seen the good times and the bad times, watched the changes that have taken place. Obviously everyone has the right to express their opinion but before you do try to get your facts straight before you open yourself up to looking like a Jackass. The Okinawan economy doesn’t exist on tourism alone it thrives also due to the military presents. Off base housing, Construction, goods bought on the economy, off base recreation (gate 2 businesses) road and weight taxes. Base employment for local nationals, (yes) MLC/IHA are paid by the Japanese Gov, but Check how much of the GNP of Japan is spent on defense compared to the US GNP and yes I’m aware of the restrictions placed on Japan after WWII. We all have to live along side each other here, and yes there are some people that don’t have the self discipline to keep themselves from doing something stupid on the other hand 99% of all Military living here are not making trouble and are doing the right thing. I don’t always agree with things the US does but I don’t think they are the puppet masters of the world J.D. But are we not all puppets in reality think about that for a minute? I usually don’t read anything from Japan Update my personal opinion is they are a Communist forum hidden behind the name of journalism like most other news organizations here in Japan, I just stopped in as requested by a friend to read about this. There are things going on in the world that certainly require a hell of a lot more attention than a couple of fools that didn’t use proper judgement. Try standing up and bitching about things that count for everyone that lives on this small planet we call home! If you want a list of those things let me know I will be glad to articulate them for you! Lets get along and promote good will among each other to make the world a better place to live!

  • David_Gojira

    um, is this article suggesting that the local japanese are perfect and do not get in trouble? the local hypocrisy is most irritating. the japanese locals do more harm to their own than americans ever do, yet the small japanese vocal all they ever talk about is how americans are always getting into trouble. this article is foolishly written without merit, balance, and truth. but they do not want the truth. so please do not ever call yourself a journalist. its an embarrasment to those who are tru journalist who report without prejudice.

    • japanupdate

      Do you watch Japanese news? If you are that interested in what the locals are doing, maybe you should. It comes on TV every single evening on almost every channel. Most of the articles here on JU are translated from Japanese wire services and it’s mostly articles that are relevant to the bases or English speaking people here. If you’d like to see something else, there’s contact information in the paper so feel free to send in a suggestion.

19:13 13 Feb , 2025