Golden Week style extended fall holidays part of DPJ concept
A majority of people would like to see a stretch of five consecutive national holidays created in autumn, and the idea’s now being studied by the Democratic Party of Japan as a means to promote the tourism industry.
Fifty-three percent of people surveyed online in a recent query by a major travel agency said they’d like to see it happen, with many noting it would be an opportunity to take three-day trips somewhere. JTB Corporation says young people in particular were excited about the proposal, with 66% of those 20 and younger expressing support. Almost as many, about 60%, of those in their 30’s liked the idea too, while people in their 50’s weighed in with a 57% approval rating. Of those age 70 or older, only 22% were interested in the additional holidays.
The poll showed 83% of those would spend the five days traveling or participating in recreational activities. Some 71% said they’d use the opportunity to travel within Japan, with hot springs being the number one pick for a travel destination. Those surveyed said they’d take overseas trips during such holidays if they could add paid holidays to the public holidays, a move that would please the tourism industry.