Nov. 23 ~ 29


This weekend promises to be quiet and you can relax, but from early next week things are going to get hectic. If you think about it, there are already clear signs of growing tensions both at work and home, but as the time proceeds, the situation could really become explosive. So, handle with care.



Everything you have missed or postponed is going to come crashing down on you by the beginning of December. You have to put all daydreaming aside, and take a tight handle of the situation no matter how complicated it seems. Other people’s schedules may get messed up, but keep your up to date.



Your romantic relationship is coming to a peaceful and calm period, and there are going to be some rather pleasant surprises in you social life that re going to put a smile on your face. Many small gatherings among friends do wonders to your spirits. You can also expect some good news at your work.



You’re working hard and that is going to bring its rewards. Just make sure everything is organized. Pay special attention to your intimate relationship as the time you are able to spend together is going to be limited. Year end parties don’t start just yet, so this weekend promises to be quiet and peaceful.



You could notice that too much work could take its toll on your health. If you happen to catch a flu, the best remedy is to stay home. Good hobbies and successful relationships have more appeal to you than everyday routines at work, and that’s where you can expect trouble. But don’t lose your patience.



Planets are not in a position that gives you plenty of extra energy, and you are able to squeeze more in your schedule and get out more results, too. The best scenario would be to balance all that work with more frequent visits to a gym or a jogging path. But beware of directing your energy into Christmas shopping.



Avoiding everyday hassles succeeds best if you just throw yourself on the lap of laziness. Leisure, hobbies and relaxation invite, and your ability to concentrate on work suffers. Those who are in a relationship will find the weekend romantically exciting, and the singles will find promising chances to start a relationship.



You can expect more than your share of obstacles and hurdles this time, but luckily the planets also have answers to your problems. There are many projects that seem to have no prospects of going forward, and nothing will change even in a week or two. It would be good to have a second plan to which you can switch.



As planet Mars is moving away from your zodiac, you have to make do the rest of the year without the extra boost it has provided. The upcoming party season promises to keep you busy, and excited. The last days of this month could be a bit tardy, and you should sail through them without expecting too much.



Your situation will require extra effort, but short nights and long days won’t last for ever. By Christmas everything will calm down. But take a good rest this weekend and store extra energy as the coming week is going to put you to a test. Quiet and calm is what you are going to appreciate most after a day’s work.



There good be some bad news and head wind ahead during the weekend or early next week. You are too quick to blame those close to you on the bad situation. Instead, you should take a good look at the nearest mirror. The good news is that after getting through this period you can expect a pat on the back.



You should listen to your inner voice really carefully over the next few days as this is especially sensitive and intuitive period that has answers to many important questions regarding your life. Many social events through the end of the year are inviting, and making sure you don’t mess up your schedules is a priority.

06:38 14 Feb , 2025