Drunk dependent teen held for property damage

Okinawa Police arrested a 19-year-old dependent son of a civilian employee of Kadena Air Base living in Okinawa City, on a charge of damaging property on Dec. 2.

Police say the teen broke a chair in Koza Music Town in the Uechi district of Okinawa City.  The boy has admitted to the charge.

According to the police investigation, the boy slammed a chair that is a property of the Music Town on the floor and broke it at 4:40 a.m. on Dec. 2.

According to the police, the boy was visiting the facility with two friends, and got enraged when a quarrel arose with another acquaintance. The police added that the boy was drunk at the time of the incident.

  • Marineswutrudoingstahp

    Yeah! Dependents getting in on the action!
    Best part? Dependents will still be able to be on OFP status.

10:16 27 Jul , 2024