JAL now flying non-stop to San Diego

For an airline less than a year out of bankruptcy and a return to the Tokyo stock exchange, Japan Airlines is doing a lot of things right, including the start last week of non-stop flights to San Diego.

The Japanese national carrier is flying the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner on the four weekly flights that are departing Tokyo Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.  The carrier says it plans to boost that schedule to daily by next March 1st.

To mark the start to the new service, JAL is offering a special in-flight menu treat specifically designed for the new Japan-San Diego route through February 28th.  Business class passengers will be offered Mexican cuisine, while in economy the offering’s a special beef stew.  An a la carte offering is the JAL Original Hamburger in Sasebo style, in honor of San Diego’s sister city, Sasebo.

On the Tokyo-bound return leg, economy class passengers get a taste of the returning Air Yoshinoya beef bowls, which was formerly one of the airplane’s most popular dishes created in tandem with the popular Japanese food chain.

  • http://www.facebook.com/stephen.hickey.127 Stephen Hickey

    Tempting… that will save 3+ hours not having to connect in SFO or LAX

17:05 20 Sep , 2024