Marines, sailors begin medical training exercise in Cambodia

The sixth year of bilateral medical engagements with the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces is under way in Phnom Penh, Kampot Province.

The exercise that began Monday is taking place at the Phnom Pen Preah Ket Melea Hospital, with 14 Marines and sailors from 3rd Medical Battalion, part of Combat Logistics Regiment 35, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force, participating.  They’re working with more than 30 RCAF medical program on Cambodia Medical Exercise 13.1.  The exercise is designed as a subject matter expert exchange to increase Cambodian and U.S. medical capabilities, capacity and interoperability.

A SME exchange team is working with RCAF medical personnel, discussing medical record keeping and reviewing current procedures.  Improving record keeping procedures allows hospital personnel to determine trends in treatment, enabling them to better focus their efforts and ensure patients receive the medical care they need.

The Cambodia medical exercise, now scheduled to conclude February 1st, enhances military-to-military relations among U.S. and Royal Cambodian Armed Forces medical personnel.

15:06 08 Sep , 2024