Airman arrested for drunk driving, causing accident

A 41-year-old American stationed at Kadena Air Base is in Japanese custody, charged with causing an accident while driving under the influence of alcohol.

The arrest of Eric Simmons came about 11:30 p.m. Sunday after he allegedly crashed into a mini-vehicle at a crossroads in Uruma City.  An Okinawa police spokesman says Simmons tested at 1.01 milliliter per liter of alcohol in his system, about six times the legal limit.

This is the latest in a string of American servicemen-related arrests, and this one was also after the 11 p.m. curfew.  The 11 p.m. curfew was imposed last October after two sailors were arrested and charged with raping a young woman in Okinawa City.  The curfew runs 11 p.m. ~ 5 a.m.

Simmons, who lives off base, told police he was on his way to work at the time of the accident, and that he was not in breach of the curfew.

  • Angel1023

    Mr. Simmons needs to get serious help for his alcohol abuse problem before he kills innocent people. He’s 41 yrs old and cannot use the “I’m a young foolish ingrate” excuse. If he was intoxicated prior to going on duty for work, then where does he work? In a strip club? Let us hope that he gets help before he ruins his family’s lives as well as his own. Heard he was an E-8 also.

    • Larry Muse

      I agree Angel! He as an E-8 is suppose to set a positive example,,,,Hopefully, he doesn’t have a family that would have to suffer because of this addiction!

      • Angel1023

        Thanks Larry, When DUI incidents happen, it’s difficult to not think about all of the human lives that are affected by it. Even tragedies that could have been prevented by using responsible judgement. If he does have a family I also wish them well.

  • Bill


    I noticed you forgot to comment on the following criminal offenses, that took place this month and killed or almost killed an innocent person….Probably because they are not Americans accused of the crime. 99.9% of the Americans out here are doing the right thing, obeying they laws and enjoying there stay here in Okinawa.

    • Angel1023

      Bill, I’m glad that you noticed that I forgot to mention the above criminal offenses. Do you know why? Well, it’s because I am American and cannot stand lopsided media. I read and post comments on Stars and Stripes News forum but wanted to try another forum and did for the first time tonight. You should go read what our USA service members wrote about him.
      All I did was state the facts. Any drunk driving incident, at any time or in any place done by various types of people are enough to prompt a response from me and others. If you know what it feels like to be effected by one, please get back to me without an assumption that suggests I have no clue about the 99.9% and we can talk.

19:23 13 Feb , 2025