Electricity to cost more for Okinawa residents

With the weaker year pushing up the cost of oil, the main energy sources for Okinawa Electric Power Co. the firm is planning an increase in the utility fees it charges for consumers.  Okinawa Electric Power Co. is not alone, though, as all 14 major utilities in the nation are also planning a rate hike.

Officials at Okinawa Electric Power Co. estimate that with the increase in tariffs, the monthly average household can expect to pay 80 to 90 yen per month more in its electricity bill starting May.

As the same goes for liquefied natural gas that most households here use for cooking, those bills are likely to go up in tandem, too.

In Japan, the electricity and gas rates to consumers are reviewed every month to reflect the price of fuel that the utility companies have to pay.

20:28 17 Feb , 2025