Governor rejects fishermen’s support for land reclamation

Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima says that there is little likelihood of a key U.S. base in the prefecture being relocated to its Henoko coastal area despite support from a local fishermen’s cooperative.

Nakaima told reporters in Tokyo that mayors of all 41 municipalities in this southernmost Japan prefecture are opposed to the transfer of the Marine Corps Air Station in Ginowan to the coastal area in Nago. He said that in reality, it is more improbable to build a base in the Henoko area.

The Nago fishermen’s cooperative agreed to a reclamation project needed for the base’s relocation at an extraordinary meeting of its members on the day. Consent from the cooperative is needed for the governor to approve the reclamation project. Noting that the cooperative has not opposed to the reclamation since a long time before, Nakaima said “The cooperative has its own view, and I hope to listen to them.”

Nakaima says he will study his response to a landfill permit request, which the central government is expected to submit to him later this month, after it is filed.  The governors says the prefecture will follow proper procedures to take a decision as it will take eight to 10 months to do so.

11:04 27 Jul , 2024