Mar 7 ~ 13
Lasting changes are ahead that will have a profound effect you tour future. They are not going to happen overnight, but you should be prepared. You have nothing to worry about as long as you are able to see the whole picture, but you should put everything in order according to importance, and then stick to the plan.
Yu have plenty of energy and optimism this weekend. Relationships and romance are on the forefront, but do not mistake infatuation to be a permanent state of mind. That’s why this is not the right time to make major decisions. Better to wait and see until you have a better picture about future.
Be ready for a busy time. Some people were convinced over the past few weeks that you have what it takes, and are now waiting for you to get things moving. Luckily, you are ready for the challenge, and eager to get started. As long as you can relax in the evenings and weekends in good company, everything will be in balance.
Many people want to get your attention, and now is the time for you to show what you can do. If you have a list of things to do, it could shorten real fast once you fix your attention to it. This is also a good chance to push ahead with your pet project. Someone from your past is going to help you to see your problems in a new light.
Someone may have misunderstood your message, and that could lead to a conflict. This carefully what you’re going to say, and go through all the relevant papers pertaining to this dispute. But this is at work. At home you are in perfect harmony and highly energetic, and your family can really appreciate that.
There’s romance in the air, and your love life is going to get a boost this weekend. Those close to you want you to succeed, and are ready to extend you all the help they can. This is the right time to contact friends that you haven’t been in touch with for some time. This could even be a significant help in the future.
Although you are clearly a favorite of Lady Luck over the coming week or so, you should not take risks. But make sure everything is correct ahead of the time. There could even be some extra money coming to your way, but you should resist temptation to immediately spend it, even if you are in a festive mood.
You are a favorite of the party this weekend. Maybe you have to put your own plans on the back burner for a while, but that would be well worth it. You must make sure that all work involving organizing gets done first. If you are planning to have a trip later this year, you should be flexible when choosing company.
Your energy level could be a little low at this tine of the year, but luckily the company of good friends and family both relaxes and inspires your spirits. Plan carefully what you want to accomplish before embarking on a new project. And don’t forget that those who are younger than you look up to you for example and inspiration.
Try to do something new and challenging, as it is good to cross the borders of your comfort zone once in a while. Spending some time with an old friend can be refreshing. You would also understand that you could expect a lot from your future. This weekend you should show those around you your funny side. They would love it.
Your work should be your focus. Make sure that you are both heard and seen, and that others understand what you want to do. And do not hide your ideas. Even if everything does not go the way and as fast as you would like to, people will appreciate that you try your best. Especially one of your colleagues will take notice.
You should contact friends whom you have paid too little attention lately. Try to find time for discussion, and listen what they have to say. Relax and take care of yourself. Remember that certain opportunities come only once in a lifetime. Your good friends will understand you better than you could believe.