JASDF F-15 flat tire closes Naha Airport

An Air Self-Defense Force F-15 fighter jet had a flat tire when it landed on Naha Airport Tuesday afternoon, causing a temporary shutdown of the airport’s runway.

The shutdown, which lasted about an hour, caused three commercial aircraft, originally slated to use the runway, to land at the U.S. Air Force’s Kadena Air Base. The trouble-hit F-15 jet was one of two planes returning from operations guarding Japan’s airspace from incursions by foreign aircraft.

The fighter’s left tire punctured around 1:05 p.m. The airport operator shut the runway down to clean up scattered debris. The runway reopened around 2:05 p.m.

The three All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines aircraft landed at the Kadena base.
Both F-15 fighters are based at the ASDF Naha base.

07:45 13 Feb , 2025