All Japan Garrison Forces Labor Union Air Force Branch donates clothes

The All Japan Garrison Forces Labor Union Air Force Branch women’s division donated 100kg of clothes to be taken to needy in Malaysia and Cambodia. Yukie Yamashiro, the executive director of the union and Tomoe Hijikata, the acting manager of the project handed the donated garments on Apr. 2 to Tsubasa Ishikawa, who is the representative of charities operating in those areas.

The clothes that comprise the donation were collected in a bazaar that was held by the women’s division on March 30th. The division decided to donate the clothes to Ishikawa’s organization because they are sympathetic of Ishikawa’s thinking, and the proceeds of the sales of the clothes were sent for the reconstruction assistance of the Tohoku Tsunami disaster area.

Yamashiro said “Even workers on base think what we can do to contribute to the society as usual people, we want to start from what we can do.”

According to Ishikawa, the collected clothes amount to a total of seven tons right now, but there is much more space available in the container to be shipped. “Our goal is 50 tons, and so we still keep collecting,” he said, adding “But please bring those baby clothes through adult clothes as new or at least clean if they are used. And socks and underwear should be brand new, please.”

For more information about donations, call Ishikawa at 08043917965.

11:08 27 Jul , 2024