
Apr 18 ~ 24


Now is a good time to start action for your future. But you have to be prepared to chance plans you have made earlier. The most important point is to catch the opportunities as they come along. You also should consider what the life could give you that you don’t already have. After you figure that out, you’re ready to enjoy the ride.


Your feet-to-the ground attitude helps you to advance your agenda this week. You get the best results if you keep working in the way you are comfortable with, and don’t try to change your ways to please others. Intuition and optimism guarantee you are ahead from the start in regards to people who possess a negative view on the world.


This weekend you are full of energy and enthusiasm, and you should take full advantage of it to speed things up. There could be someone close to you who needs your help, and who has been a little down lately in one way or another. By next week you can be satisfied with your achievements and relax, and maybe have a little celebration.


Enjoy your life once in a while, and stop thinking that you have to do more and more all the time. It is good sometimes to do something you truly enjoy and want to, and now it’s your turn. Memories of some problems in the past could still bother you, but you should leave those memories behind and look forward in your life.


Make sure you stay optimistic. A fact of life is that very few things turn for the better overnight, but you should look forward to future successes instead of dwelling in the past. You are about to meet someone, and the encounter is going to turn more romantic than you could have imagined. That in turn will give you plenty to think about.


You should channel your energies to the right direction in order to accomplish as much as possible. Otherwise, you will find yourself running in circles. If you trust your instincts more, you can show others that you are right on the pulse of things. It’s not easy to rally others to your cause, but you should have no problems with the task.


The spike in your energy level occurs just in time, as there are many tasks to complete. You should pay special attention to anything to do with written contracts, especially if your job is concerned. You can slow down over the weekend, but make sure you are able to hit the ground running again on Monday. Romance is in the air.


Maybe you don’t realize it yourself, but the first quarter of the year has been a resolute success. You should think what you have achieved so far, and realize that the best is yet to come if you play your cards right. You should help those in your team to see the big picture instead of concentrating on minor details that don’t affect the outcome.


Regardless of how much you enjoy the time you spend with other people, you should realize the value of sometimes taking it easy and relaxing just in your own company. Reward yourself with a good conscience in order to be able to get through the coming battles. Stay firm with your own ideas, and you can get far in your life.


This time you can be a little selfish and concentrate on your own needs both at home and work. Stay the course and don’t let negative thoughts overcome your mind. You also need to pay attention to your relationship with your partner and make sure you reserve some quality time just for you two. That will help in the future.


You would like to find a deeper purpose in your life, and this weekend there might be an opportunity just for that. Think about your habits and attitude. It could even be possible that your approach has scared away a romance you would have liked to have. In order to gain new strength, you should spend time with positive persons.


You have been offered a chance to advance your plans, but have you even noticed? Although there is plenty of competition around you, it’s not necessarily affecting you, and is mainly a distraction. You should be confident and ready to show others that you are ready to give it everything you’ve got. Once you do that, your success is all but guaranteed.

07:31 20 Feb , 2025