Hilton to open at former Ginbaru military training site

Kin Town made an announcement at Kin Community Hall, July 30, that one of the largest hotel companies in the world, the U.S.-based Hilton Worldwide, will run a hotel to be built on the site of the former Ginbaru U.S. Military training area. The area was returned to Okinawa in July, 2011. The hotel is scheduled to open in 2016.

DIJAYA Land Development Co., a major real estate company based in Malaysia, operates most of the site in the Ginbaru area in Kin Town. The town made a contract with DIJAYA to rent the land for 100 years.

The name of the hotel will be Hilton Okinawa Kin. The new hotel is planned to have nine floors and 190 rooms. The groundbreaking is scheduled for next year, and business operations start in 2016. It’s the 12th Hilton in Japan, and 3rd in Okinawa after Naha (Double Tree) and Chatan that is currently under construction and scheduled to open in 2014.

The vice president of Hilton Worldwide Guy Phillips said that the Hilton Okinawa Kin should become a facility with an indispensable hotel in Kin Town, and should contribute to the development the local area and the whole Okinawa Prefecture.

Kin Town Mayor Tusyoshi Gibu says “We hope bringing the Hilton hotel to Kin Town sparks further development of east coast area of Okinawa. We already know DIJAYA Land Development Co. will build more facilities at the site in the near future including long stay type condominiums, mansions, big shopping malls, all of which it will operate.”

19:11 27 Jul , 2024