Naha city starts free WiFi service

Naha City announced on July 27that they will start a free WiFi service “NAHA-City-WiFi” at 115 points within the city, and also start a Naha restaurant portal website called “NAHAPO” from Aug. 4.

The service covers Kokusai Street, Shuri Castle Park, major sightseeing spots in Naha, airport, Kousetsu Ichiba market in Makishi, and much more, a total of 115 spots. The purpose of installing the WiFi service is to build basic infrastructure for domestic and international tourists, and create more business activity in Naha area.

The WiFi service is available not only in Japanese but also in English, Chinese and Korean. The portal site ( offers information on restaurants that are close to your location based on your smart phone GPS system, and also offers coupons for those restaurants.

The password to get the free WiFi service is “78787878”. As for now, the service is limited to last until March 2015, and what happens after that is to be determined based on the experiences of all parties concerned. The budget to cover this project is ¥165,000,000, which is paid by a subsidy from the central government.

10:38 27 Jul , 2024