Orion Beer expands sales in Hong Kong

Orion Beer Company announced Aug. 24 that they are exporting Southern Star, one of the most popular Orion Beer products to Hong Kong, where they are selling in supermarket Welcome Hong Kong, which has over 200 outlets in Hong Kong.

This is the first time for Orion Beer to export its Southern Star overseas. Because the sales of Orion Draft Beer in Hong Kong have been advancing well, Yoshio Kadekaru, the president of Orion Beer Co. says that they want to develop an environment where a customer can purchase an Orion Beer anywhere in Hong Kong. Southern Star has been selling in Hong Kong starting Aug. 16th, and the company expects to sell 3,600 cases or 30 kiloliters by March 2014.

Orion Draft Beer has been on sale in Hong Kong since 2011, and is reportedly selling well. Welcome Hong Kong, a major supermarket chain in Hong Kong, has expressed interest in importing and selling more Orion products.

  • Ernest Molina

    Sell in America!!!!!!

07:09 17 Sep , 2024