And this week’s winner is…

This week the lucky winner of JU raffle is Scott Albee, who won a package of Halloween goods from @ room ONE variety goods shop. The @ room ONE has the largest selection of Halloween goods on the island with nearly everything imported from Rubie’s, the largest retailer and manufacturer of Halloween accessories in the world.

Scott is from Ft. Lauderdale in Florida, and has lived on Okinawa three years. He still has almost four years time to enjoy Okinawa as he’s not scheduled to leave before sometime in 2017.

And enjoy he dos. He says that his life here is nothing short of excellent. He likes soba and beaches, and is not sure which one more, but luckily he does not have to choose as after having a good time on a nice morning on a beach it’s natural to proceed to have a nice bowl of soba for a lunch. And then, maybe it’s the time to go back to the beach again.

Scott also enjoys local entertainment and all kinds of events, but would very much like to have time to visit Tokyo some day, too.

To participate in Japan Update weekly raffle, just go to, and click on “Raffle Entry” where you can see the prize of the current raffle. Then sign up and good luck!

20:07 23 Jan , 2025