And this week’s winner is…

This week’s lucky winner of the JU raffle is Ed Bielica. He won a ¥2,500 gift coupon to 50’s Café, a restaurant overlooking Kin Bay and the home of great Americana interior, and delicious American home-style cooking. Many people swear by the 50’s Cafe’s hamburgers and other treats that they call the best on Okinawa. The 50’s Café is located in Ishikawa near Camp Courtney.

Ed is from Pittsburgh, PA, and has lived on Okinawa three years. In a matter of fact, he is scheduled to move on in just couple of weeks. He says that during his stint here, he and his family have learned to love the island, with its many and diverse cultural events and festivals that have given them memories to last a lifetime.

He has also picked up a new favorite food, curry. “I just love Japanese-style curry, and could eat it almost every day,” he confesses.

Although he is about to leave the island he says that some day he hopes to take his family back to Japan and do some sightseeing in mainland Japan that he missed to see this time.

To participate in Japan Update weekly raffle, just go to, and click on “Raffle Entry” where you can see the prize of the current raffle. Then sign up and good luck!

17:43 13 Feb , 2025