Car running on sidewalk kills one, injures one

A car driven by a 20-year-old drunk university student lost control of his car, and went onto a sidewalk hitting two men, killing one and inuring the other.

According to Naha Police, Kazumasa Hiroshi has admitted driving his car onto the sidewalk on Route 82 in Gibo, Shuri, early Sunday morning. Hiroshi’s car hit 47-year-old government employee Genjou Shiken from Naha City, who struck his head on the pavement and died of his injury. The other man, a 58-year-old college professor suffered slight injuries.

After the crash, Hiroshi left his car and fled the scene on foot but was caught shortly after. When questioned, Hiroshi admitted to driving dunk, and was arrested immediately. A breathalyzer showed the level of alcohol in his breath was twice the legal limit.

Police investigation into the accident continues.

  • CarbonRyda

    Why was driving drunk not part of the article title as the story about the U.S. Service member driving under the influence? It’s like the car magically ran up on the sidewalk. Great use of anti-military trigger words on the title. Drunk Local National killed pedestrian is a good start!

    • richard_b_hard

      Cause apparently only americans or foreigners Drive drunk in japan,hell don’t be surprised if they say a foreigner gave this poor innocent college kid the alcohol and made him drive his car onto the sidewalk.

14:53 27 Jul , 2024