Sightseeing helicopter crashes off Kouri Island

A helicopter carrying a pilot and a couple on a sightseeing trip crashed into shallow waters off Kouri Island in Nakijin, Village, Monday.

According to Nago Police, the small Robinson R44 Raven II-type helicopter was on a routine sightseeing flight when it for so far unknown reason crashed into the sea and sank in about two meters of water near Kouri Island Bridge. The weather at the time of the accident was cloudy with light rain.

All three on board were able to get out of the helicopter. They were rescued by a fishing boat that happened to be nearby, and taken to a hospital. The pilot suffered a gash on his face while the 44-year old male and 23-year-old female passengers suffered fractured bones. None of the injuries are life threatening.

Investigation to the cause of the accident continues.

  • ewacloser

    Ah yes, and american company. If this were a Japanese helicopter it would never have crashed,…right?

    • japanupdate

      [sigh] It’s comments like this that make me wonder if it’s even worth having a comments section on the site. I swear, some people are out just looking for reasons to be upset.

10:57 27 Jul , 2024