Two Golden Kings players chosen for bj-League All Stars game

Anthony McHenry

The pro-basketball bj-League announced Dec. 17th its selection of players for the 2013-2014 season All Stars Game scheduled to take place on Jan 26 at Akita City Gymnasium. Anthony McHenry and Ryuichi Kishimoto from the Ryukyu Golden Kings were elected

For Anthony McHenry, this will be the second year in a row to be selected. “I will try my best to show how the Kings play basketball. It is a true honor to be elected from the Okinawa,” McHenry stated. The first time electee Ryuichi Kishimoto said, “I’m very happy to have been recommended by the sponsors. I will play as the No.1 point guard of the Western Conference.”

Ryuichi Kishimoto

11:21 27 Jul , 2024