
Feb 13 ~ 19


The main thing for you this time is to keep your cool in any kind of situation. Using your common sense is the easiest way to find a solution, as trusting your intuition could lead to problems. Ask advice from people who have experience. Your lover could approach you with a question to which a quick decision is required, but you must thing carefully what kind of answer you give.


Much is happening both at home and work, and you have to keep on top of everything. Even when others want to take over the situation, you could step aside but keep still a keen eye on everything, and be prepared to step in when necessary. Avoid hurting anyone’s confidence, especially at work. Improvisation is fine among close friends, but should be avoided in business.


Things at work and in your love life seem to be going well, and even getting better. This could be a welcome surprise to you after a dull spell. Surprises could even extend to your finances. Maybe you should start thinking a new hobby or a new idea that piques your interest. That could have a very positive effect on your life. It always pays to try something new and inspiring.


Everyone seems to have a very strong opinion on what you should start doing next. This could interfere with your decision making process as you ponder your options. If possible, you should revert to your original plan, and proceed towards your goals within parameters that you set to begin with. It does not serve your interests to try to please everyone else at this point of your life.


People who talk nonsense are confusing you, and you can’t understand why they have changed their tactics so suddenly. Is someone trying to exert influence? The best thing is to trust your own heart, and not to expect that you would be able to figure out a reason for their behavior. The most important point is that you know yourself what you want and where you are going.


Sometimes it’s a good idea to disappear into the background when people begin to fight, especially when you are not sure about facts. You vision about your own situation could be somewhat fogy, and you need some time to make it clear. Select your company carefully for this weekend as one of your alternatives is clearly better than others. And you’ll find out soon enough why.


Try to guide your partner to the right direction when he or she seems to be confused. This time you need patience on many levels. Take your time to think over ways to relax. You are living a busy life but do not forsake your creativity. Give some time to yourself and don’t always put others ahead of yourself. You have a great idea but you have to develop it further.


You should take a new approach on your finances but that’s easier said than done. If this problem is stressing you too much, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your current situation could feel rather frustrating right now, but luckily things change. Confessing to your lover you can change your burden into an adventure. But first you have to clear your mind and enjoy the weekend.


You must stop postponing things and start setting your plans into action. Rely on your creativity as that could help you see everything from a new angle. A simple solution would be just to go out with a pen and a memo pad, and start putting your thoughts on paper. Then it would be much easier to compose a total plan to accomplish your goals and resolve your problems.


Love and indeed, your whole life seem to be too much at times, and exhaust you. Remember that quiet moments and a little time just for yourself are not luxury, but necessary for your wellbeing. Try to spend some time with younger people as they know how to have fun. When you give to others you also get more to yourself. Take the reins of your life, and everything becomes better.


It might sound strange but you should keep your doors more open to others as that could lead to more flexibility in your life that you really need. Make sure that you are aware of all different possibilities and alternatives available to you. A new hobby or refurnishing your home could make you happier. Something is pushing you, and you have to find out what it is.


You want to accomplish as much as possible, and everything should be done just now. Your problem is that you are too eager to get ahead, and give no time to yourself to stop and plan what you want to do. The results are temporary at best, and could very well come to haunt you. In the future you must finish everything that you have started to make the results permanent.

19:15 23 Jan , 2025