Mar 20 ~ 26
During the next few days your creativity and energy are at their peak, and that could cause you to feel a little nervous at times. Try to relax with the help of light music or moderate physical activity. Concentrate on positive aspects of your life. Sometimes this time of the year could feel rather boring. Planning for activities for the coming summer together with you family could cheer you up.
Some money matters will require organizing, so you should start getting ready for the task now. You can spare yourself from many days of stress if you could share your thoughts openly with your partner. Otherwise, your love life is in good balance and no storms are in sight, not even over the horizon. Look for the company of happy and positive people, and you feel good yourself, too.
You can expect your social life to pick up considerably. You will also likely find yourself in a situation that is completely new to you, and that makes you discover how much more you have to learn. An idea that you thought is gone and forgotten is showing new signs of life. Many things seem to be on the brink of total chaos, so you have to use your organizing skills to the fullest.
Love and small joys of life are visible this weekend. If there are any small problems at home they are temporary. Your working life will bet a positive boost as things at home are better than usual. That gives you a chance to concentrate on your work better, be more constructive and make it easier to keep contact and communicate more effectively with your colleagues and customers.
You can expect some stormy waters in the realm of your love life and that could mean conflicts, especially on the home front. Be ready to make some compromises in order to keep peace, because you need to save your energy for completely other purposes. Over the next month or so there could be new and exciting possibilities that open up to you, and that could alter the rest of your life.
Several changes are coming to your way that could affect your life over the next few weeks. You have to learn little by little to act a bit faster and to organize better. ON the other hand, some other aspects in your life seem to enter into more calm and peaceful phase. This could especially have something to do regarding your partner. If you start feeling frustrated, don’t go there.
Would you like to see more activity and action in our life? You family and friends don’t necessarily share your ideas in this respect, and are not looking for an adventure. There’s not much you can do about this, and that does not make you happy. But you have that energy in you, so you should direct it to a new project at work or try to find a hobby that allows you to let out extra steam.
Many people find this time of the year to be restless, and that is especially true for you. You would like everything to proceed faster, and when that does not happen, you could end up in a quarrel with your family or even with your neighbors. Trying to go more with the flow would spare you from the stress. Concentrating your thoughts on your work or some other activity would also help.
If a romance has not yet found you, at least it’s on its way. If you miss something ask for it. Take the straight approach and don’t just sit there thinking about it for months on end. Thinking along the lines “what could have happened, if…” does no good to you or anyone else. A new contact related to your work will unleash your imagination. Think how you should use it to your advantage.
Domestic affairs are in the focus this weekend and next week, and you would very much like to make some changes in your house. New textiles, drapes and bedcovers in your house could be the way to mark the start of a new beginning. Planning, sense of community, and practical matters are close to your heart. You need new winds in your life, and you should look them from many places.
This is a very busy month for you and that could make you to postpone things to a later day. That could also allow you to think what you really want and what you need, which are not the same. There are also some personal matters that you need to take a close look at. While you are looking for the door to your future, you might at the same time open a door for a romance.
This month has been somewhat hectic, and this weekend promises to be more so. On the other hand that’s a good thing as it takes your thoughts way from projects that proceed at a snail’s pace. You love life is in a good shape, and you can look at a bright future. But thinking about your future and especially finances, will take its time. But if you do it right, that is time well spent.