LDP requests reconsideration of inter-island airfare hikes

The Okinawa Chapter of the Liberal Democratic Party has requested two local airlines to reconsider their planned hike of airfares between Okinawa and outer islands of the prefecture. The chapter presented the request to representatives of both airlines on Apr. 24.

Both Japan TransOcean Air (JTA) and Ryukyu Air Commuter (RAC) have previously announced that they were planning to hike ticket prices of their flights between Okinawa’s main and outer islands citing prevailing high fuel prices and the recent rise in the national consumption tax as the reasons. The hikes on 18 routes were scheduled to go into effect from July, but both companies have now agreed to reconsider the new prices. LDP also requested for prices not to have a sudden rise in the future.

“Flights to smaller islands are not only vital for residents, but also support their lives by transporting cargo. We would like you to consider that, from this fiscal year, the scheduled aviation fuel tax reduction also applies to the smaller Okinawan islands as well,” the LDP officials said when presenting the request.

13:57 27 Jul , 2024