May 8 ~ 14
Because of your very social nature, you usually are well aware of what is going on around you. However, there’s now someone who’s troubled and reluctant to open up. You should find out, who this person is, and what is the problem. A new and more open way of thinking could help you to tackle this trouble successfully before it gets out of hand.
Sometimes you may feel like you don’t have what it takes in these circumstances, but the most important point is that you are a part of your team. You should do your best to enhance cooperation with other members of your team. Sacrificing a little could have more effect than you have thought. Keep your mind and eyes open to new ideas.
Someone slick is trying to get to your money. Maybe you should look shopping somewhere else. In spite of this, this week is positive regarding your finances. You can expect to be asked to take on new responsibilities, perhaps at home, and that is a signal of genuine love and appreciation. Make sure that you prove to be worth of it all.
You will have a chance to meet people who have been successful in the same profession that you do. This could be an invaluable opportunity to learn something new, so don’t miss it. Over the weekend you could meet someone you have so far know only remotely, but now seems to be very interesting. Could there be something? That’s what you have to find out.
It could be challenging to combine work and leisure, but it could be quite rewarding, too. A chance to travel and learn something new at the same time could be a very inspiring in your work. Do not underestimate your influence among your friends. Your loyalty and enthusiasm are highly appreciated, and are sure to bring you considerable rewards in the future.
You should make a list of everything that does not fit in your lifestyle. Maybe the list would show you if you are in a wrong company or in a wrong place. Of course, sometimes you just have to put up with the situation, but at least you could be sure, and can start making plans to change the situation. Remember that many people do not see things the way you do.
Do you long for more adventure in your life sometimes? Realize that it does not have to be a trip to jungles of Amazon or a bungee jump. Small changes in your daily routines, and a few days of vacation, could be all it takes. When you have big news to tell, don’t overwhelm your listeners, but serve it in small pieces that they can chew and understand.
Someone close to you seems to be doing everything wrong, especially concerning money. However, your influence on this could be limited to verbal warnings. Maybe you too need some expert advice when things really start going so much haywire that they start affecting you. Someone older than you, maybe a relative, could be a good source of information.
Something that you have had a hunch about for some time is about to happen. Some people could admire how calmly you can take this, but as your premonition has been on the money, you are only too happy to tell everybody, and that could be a surprise to all. Trust that your family will stand by you and give encouragement whenever you really need it.
This weekend you better watch out, as especially money and sex could cause complicated problems. Sometimes it could be difficult to separate the two. If someone is not willing to cooperate, maybe it’s time for you to leave as long as you can. Try to arrange something this weekend that you really enjoy. But be ready for some serious discussion afterwards.
Are you tired of just about everything? Is excitement completely absent from your life? Maybe just changing your routines is not enough to free your imagination. Maybe the idea would be so seek the company of someone who feels the same way. Planning a vacation or getaway together could be just the right antidote for the doldrums of both of you.
If you are suffering from the lack of ideas this weekend, you should think about activities that you enjoyed doing before. You might discover a way that works in your current situation. Older people and children need some of your time and attention, even if they tell you not to go into all the trouble because of them. But that is good for you too.