Marine arrested for theft

Okinawa City Police arrested 20-year-old PFC Walter Winton Ashworth stationed on MCAS Futenma, Monday afternoon, on suspicion of stealing a wallet containing ¥9,000 in cash. He has reportedly admitted to the charges.

According to police, a 35-year-old female customer had forgotten her wallet on a money changer in a game center in Mihama, Chatan. When the woman went back to the game center to look for her wallet, it was gone.

The store staff then checked the surveillance camera recording, and it showed Ashworth picking up the wallet and putting it into his pocket.

The staff then called the police who arrested Ashworth.

  • Mohammad Kermani

    A Petty Officer is not a Marine.

  • johnny flush

    Walter is a low life thief scum of the earth. Lock him up with all the other idiots!

  • matt99

    They are “protecting” us. Domo.

  • SonKokujin

    Friggin’ IDIOT…See why Corps Value Classes need to be put back into the fleet? I didn’t do half that stupid nonsense when I was in…

14:36 27 Jul , 2024