Eisa fills Uruma City air this weekend

The 9th Uruma City Eisa Festival kicks off at 4 p.m. Saturday for a two-day run at the Yonashiro Comprehensive Athletic Park.

Heshikiya Eisa goup, known for their barefoot performance, is one of the top Eisa groups taking part in the 2-day Uruma Eisa Festival this weekend. Photo by Uruma city

The free festival takes place at a good time of day, organizers point out, because the weather’s better. For this event, the Ishikawa Youth Eisa Festival, the Gushikawa Youth Eisa Festival, the Katsuren Festival & Eisa Festival and the Yonashiro Ayahashi Festival have been combined, and are now called the Uruma City Eisa Festival.

Uruma City area has traditionally produced some of the best Eisa performing groups on Okinawa, and performers from various local teams will fascinate the audience with their own unique costumes and dance styles. The Yakena Eisa group will present a dignified eisa wearing gorgeous costumes, while the Heshikiya Eisa group will dance with bare feet. Beautiful fireworks displays will light up the night sky beginning at 8:40 p.m., and bring the curtain down on Uruma City’s summer festival season.

Visitors are reminded there is no parking at the venue itself, so free shuttle buses will be making runs from Uruma City Art Theater Map: http://goo.gl/maps/528VM,  Higashiteruma commercial facility parking Map: http://goo.gl/maps/XCpZt, Kaichu Doro road park  Map: http://goo.gl/maps/MpQ0N, Chamber of commerce of Uruma city Map: http://goo.gl/maps/UJP8n and Heshikiya Uragahama park Map: http://goo.gl/maps/6a4XP.

02:02 07 Feb , 2025