Air Force Master Sergeant arrested for trespassing

Okinawa City Police arrested a 30-year-old U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant on suspicion of trespassing on Nov. 28th.

According to Okinawa City Police, MSgt. Zachary Brown was found sleeping on the living room sofa of a second floor apartment in Kitamae, Chatan. Brown was heavily drunk when he was arrested, and says, “I do not remember anything at all.”  The breathalyzer showed he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.  Investigators say they have not been able to determine whether Brown had consumed alcohol on or off base.

Police say Brown had trespassed into the room on the second floor of the apartment around 2:40 a.m. A 34-year-old male resident of the apartment noticed Brown asleep in his living room and called police. Police believe Brown got into the room through an unlocked window.

The U.S. Forces Japan had just announced easing of the liberty policy for service members in Japan a few days earlier due to a drop in off-base incidents.

  • Harry

    Well we didn’t even make it to the 9th of December before some jackass screws the curfew up. A Msgt no less. Guess he want be giving the safety breif this week. How do you expect the young airman to behave when the boss is Fing up?

    • Okinawa Resident

      Seems to be par for the course Harry. Every time there are talks of rehashing the liberty restrictions there’s always someone that screws up before any changes can take place!

  • chopin

    A 30 year old MSgt? They must have the age wrong, because it does not seem likely that someone that worked so hard to get promoted that fast would risk their career in such a dumb stunt.

10:56 27 Jul , 2024